NewsFinstreet, an Indian Crypto Education Institute, is the latest recipient of an Algorand Foundation Grant

Finstreet, an Indian Crypto Education Institute, is the latest recipient of an Algorand Foundation Grant


Algorand Foundation

July 20th, 2021 - Algorand Foundation launched its multi year 250M Grant Program in April 2020, providing various funding level opportunities across application development, tools & infrastructure, research, and education & community in support of developers and innovators across the world, empowering innovation and development supporting the growth of a vibrant, diverse and thriving Algorand ecosystem.

We are delighted to share that Finstreet is the latest recipient of an Algorand Foundation Grant. The Finstreet educational platform will act as an easily accessible medium for people to learn about the importance of blockchain, cryptocurrencies and the different asset classes associated with them.

Finstreet is India’s 1st Cryptocurrency Education Platform and focuses on blockchain and cryptocurrency education. Finstreet uses its YouTube Channel to engage their community in India, keeping them updated with the latest news on blockchain, providing the educational content required to easily and safely browse WEB 3.0. Finstreet will create an educational series to educate developers about Algorand and promote development on the Algorand blockchain.

“We are honored to receive the support from Algorand Foundation which we are sure will empower Finstreet to further educate the masses of India about the Cryptocurrency World” said Bandhul Bansal, Founder of Finstreet.

‘We're delighted to support Finstreet’s educational grant application’, said Addie Wagenkneckt of the Algorand Foundation. “Our open source implementation makes it simple and fast for developers to build on Algorand.’’ Finstreet’s educational platform will help create awareness and educate both emerging and established developers looking to build on Algorand. We’re very excited to partner with Finstreet through our Grants program, helping developers on their journey, to easily build and deploy blockchain based solutions for a world where everyone creates and exchanges value efficiently, transparently, and securely.’’

Algorand Foundation is proud to support this project with funding through the Algorand Foundation Grant program. For more information on Finstreet specifically, please visit their website or their youtube channel, and follow them on twitter at @Finstreet1. If you are interested in submitting a project for support from the Algorand Foundation Grant program, please apply here.

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