NewsTellor receives Foundation SupaGrant to implement the Tellor Oracle protocol on the Algorand network.

Tellor receives Foundation SupaGrant to implement the Tellor Oracle protocol on the Algorand network.


July 19th, 2022 - The Algorand Foundation today announces the award of an Oracle Supagrant to Tellor, to implement the Tellor Oracle protocol on the Algorand network. Tellor on Algorand is a secure, decentralized, and easy-to-use re-implementation of Tellor on Ethereum for the Algorand network.

Tellor is a permissionless oracle protocol for getting off-chain data onto a given system with measurable crypto-economic guarantees. For Tellor, being an oracle means more than just providing accurate data. The way that the data gets put on chain matters.  Having no single point of trust or failure brings censorship-resistance so that users can never be denied access to the data that the oracle provides.

“This supagrant from Algorand presents us with the opportunity to widen our reach, not only that of our oracle, but that of what matters most to us - the spirit of decentralization and trustlessness.  It speaks a lot to the values of the Algorand Foundation to award this grant to us and we aspire to multiply that value to the Algorand community by deploying a protocol that incentivizes anyone to provide and validate data - making it unstoppable.”  

- Michael Zemrose, Co-Founder Tellor.

“We’re excited to partner with Tellor and look forward to our partnership bringing value to our respective communities, with the Tellor oracle data providing a connection between off-chain, real-world data and the digital world of blockchain platforms. Tellor on Algorand serves to broaden the Tellor network and extend the Algorand ecosystem”.

- Daniel Oon, Head of DeFi

For more information on Tellor please visit  or follow them on Twitter and Discord.

About Tellor:

Tellor is a decentralized oracle protocol that incentivizes an open, permissionless network of data reporting and data validation, ensuring that data can be provided by anyone and checked by everyone.

Built for any data type, our network of reporters supports your basic spot prices, more sophisticated pricing specs (TWAP/VWAP), Snapshot Vote Results, or any custom data needs you have. If your data can be verified, Tellor can bring it on-chain.

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